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Do you want to support our biodiversity’s mission first hand and shape together a global corridor of oases and parties?

Fill out the for below or direct email to and

We’ll get back to you ASAP 🐯

Do you want to support our biodiversity’s mission first hand and shape together a global corridor of oases and parties?

Fill out the for below or direct email to and

We’ll get back to you ASAP 🐯

Contact Us

Contact Us

    Full Name *

    Project/Company and Role *
    If not affiliated to any project or company write "Indipendent"

    Email *

    Phone Number

    Why reaching out? *
    Explain how you arrived here and how would you like to support our mission.

      Full Name *

      Project/Company and Role *
      If not affiliated to any project or company write "Indipendent"

      Email *

      Phone Number

      Why reaching out? *
      Explain how you arrived here and how would you like to support our mission.

      © Veracura Trust Onlus.
      All rights reserved. Tax ID / VAT No. 15759161001